Major expected outputs and results



The major output would be the new production technologies and lines of value added wood plastic composites (RubWPC), and a new generation of RubWPC products with superior characteristic over classic WPC for construction. Tyre rubber by being inherently weathering resistant will contribute to the performance of the designed construction. Vibration damping, wearing, slip resistance, thermal and acoustic performance will make RubWPC most attractive for construction and other special applications. Moreover, new market for the used tyre rubber will emerge. WPC industry is using virgin as well as recycled wood and recycled plastic as raw materials. Additional use of the used tyre rubber as a constituent raw material will not only improve the environmental properties of new product, but also alleviate the raw material competition with energy and other industrial sectors, because the inclusion of rubber means a reduction of wood which has become a major resource for energy and bio-fuel. RubWPC will be certified.